Monday, October 26, 2009


I cannot believe how quickly Myspace died. I mean, it's been a gradual shift over the last few years as people have mobilized towards Facebook and Twitter and away from Myspace, but I feel like I woke up one day and it was just done. It's been especially difficult finding ways of connecting with friends, from a band's perspective. With so many networking sites, so many bands, so much music, it's easy to get drowned out. We need not be discouraged though... it's our responsibility to keep the content and updates flowing, which we struggle with. That is, All the Day Holiday. Certain people are so good at networking online, it blows my mind. I can admit that is a gift I do not possess. Nonetheless, I would like this to be my connection to my friends on the inter-web and I would like if others kept up as well, since I have such a hard time seeing anyone when I am gone, which is most of the time. Let's talk! I need more followers on here and I need to know who else updates on their blogs, which I'd like to follow. Love you,


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